House of Malkinius

House Malkinius Gorean Slave Positions

This is the House Malkinius listing of the Gorean slave positions. Unlike most people, I am trying to put them into a systematic and consistent format so that they can more easily be understood and practiced. Also, I feel that some of what has been presented over the years is just plain wrong and does not fit the quotations at all. There have also been positions that are commonly listed that never appear in the books or not given the name they are usually known by. They are all set up for being done offline, not online. After putting slaves through these positions, I can say that they all are possible. Some may not be possible for some slaves due to physical constraints or limitations.

The key thing to remember about the Gorean slave positions is that Goreans are practical people. All positions have a reason for existing. They should be done in such as way as to make whatever the purpose of them either as easy for the Master to accomplish the intended task with the position or to be as pleasing to his sight as possible or, preferably, both.

There are many possibilities and things that can be done from even the simplest of just have to be creative.

There are a few general rules for doing the positions:

  1. If the wrists are crossed, then the dominant hand should be underneath the non-dominant hand. So, if you are right handed, then your right hand will be against your body and your left hand will be furthest away from your body. It also works for top and bottom in the Submission position. If you are instructed to put your hands behind you, then the dominant hand should be grasped at the wrist by the non-dominant hand. The dominant hand should always be restrained by the non-dominant hand.
  2. The slave should pay attention to the handedness of the Master. If he is right handed and a position such as Bracelets calls for the slave to turn away from him, turn so that the wrists are towards his right hand. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for the Master. If you do not know which handed he is, assume right handed.
  3. The slave should always do the position facing the Master unless directed otherwise. Remember that the Master wishes to view the slave’s body, thus the more the slave exposes of herself the more pleased the Master will be.
  4. The slave will maintain a position until directed to another position, allowed to move or given a command that requires them to change position.

Gorean Slave Position Practice Sequence:

The goal is to flow smoothly from one position to the next. Grace and beauty are more important than speed. The last position should be held until released or fifteen seconds if alone. If it is done as practice, the full sequence should be done three times.

  1. Nadu
  2. Tower
  3. Submission
  4. High Harness
  5. Collar
  6. Brand
  7. She-Sleen
  8. Kneeling to the Whip
  9. Usage
  10. Prostrate
  11. Karta
  12. Belly
  13. Bara
  14. Injection
  15. Sula
  16. Capture
  17. Gorean Bow (Optional)
  18. Stand
  19. Display
  20. Leasha
  21. Bracelets
  22. Hair/Leading
  23. Nadu (hands behind)
  24. Slave Lips

Bara Position:

In some dialects of Gorean, it simply means belly, or go to your belly. Here it is a specific position.

"Bara," said Mincon to Tula. "Bara," said I to Feiqa. Both slaves went immediately to their bellies, their heads to the left, their wrists crossed behind their backs, their ankles also crossed. It is a common binding position.
Explorers of Gor, Pg. 77, Mercenaries of Gor, Pgs. 19 and 145

In some dialects of Gorean, it simply means belly, or go to their belly. Here it is a specific position.

If the slave is standing she should first go to her knees, then forward into Bara. She should be positioned crosswise to the Master with her head towards his left hand and her feet towards the right while he is facing her. From her knees she moves forward onto her belly, extending her legs, then putting her hands behind her back and cross her wrists and ankles. Finally she turns her head to her left unless instructed otherwise. She should then be face down on the floor, feet extended and ankles crossed, with hands crossed behind her back and head turned to one side. For my purposes....Bara will include the following things:

To be face down on the floor, feet extended and ankles crossed, with hands crossed behind your back and head turned to one side.

Bara is used almost entirely for binding a slave, or for having her maintain a prone position. If not bound, the slave will hold the position until allowed to move. Her head should be turned to the left unless the Master commanding this is to her right, in which case she turns her face towards him.

Variations: None

Head: Turned Left
Torso: Straight
Arms: Behind Back
Hands: Wrists Crossed Behind
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Together
Legs: Straight
Feet: Ankles Crossed, Feet Pointed
Orientation: Prone

Belly Position:

Belly- "Stop," he said. "To your belly." Then I was on my belly, on the tiles, my hands at the sides of my head, prone, before his curule chair."
Kajira of Gor, Pg. 427

Belly, rest- "You may put down your burden," I said. "Thank you, Master," she said. "Rest now," I told her. "Lie on your stomach, head to the left, with your legs spread, and your hands at your sides, backs of your wrists to the ground, palms facing upwards."
Beasts of Gor, Pg. 308

It is both a specific position command and an action command. It is also one of the three described forms of Obeisance.

As a position it is like Bara without the legs crossed and with the hands palm up on either side of the body. 

For my purposes....the Belly position will include the following things:

The slave should go from whatever position she is in to flat on her belly, arms along her sides with hands flat on the floor on each side of your her and hands palm up, feet pointed. She should be crosswise to the Master with her head towards his left hand and her feet towards the right while he is facing the slave just as in Bara.

Belly is also an action command.

To Belly to someone means to crawl on the belly to them without lifting the body from the floor. If told to Belly to a Master's feet, a slave should move to him on her belly then assume the belly position. In that case, hands are next to the head. Lips may be placed on his feet if this is done in supplication or begging. The slave's body should be in the Belly position above except that her hands are on a level with her head and her palms are down on the floor. 

There is also a hand gesture associated with Belly. It is extending the hand flat or pointing a finger and drawing a line toward the floor where he wants the slave to lie. Where the line starts is where the Master wants the slave's head.

Variations: Position and Action

Head: Turned Left
Torso: Straight
Arms: On Floor By Sides/On Floor By Head
Hands: Flat
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Together
Legs: Straight
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Prone

Bracelets Position:

"Bracelets," he snapped. She put her head in the air and placed her hands behind her back.
Hunters of Gor, Pg. 146

He had removed a pair of light bracelets, joined by about five inches of light chain, from his pouch. "Slave bracelets ", he said, "Turn around, facing the door, your hands behind your back."
Kajira of Gor, Pg. 132

"Bracelets!" I said in Gorean, harshly. The girl snapped to position, hands behind the small of her back, head lifted, chin up, turned to the left. In such a posture she may be conveniently put in bracelets, and leashed.
Tribesman of Gor, Pg. 80

A simple and common command and the reversed position of Leasha.

Unless told otherwise, it is assumed that the Master wishes to bind your hands behind your back. This may be with anything handy, not just bracelets of some sort.

For my purposes....Bracelets will include the following things:

The slave's head is upright, chin lifted and turned away in case he also wishes to attach a leash. Her hands are crossed behind her back and her body is turned three quarters away from the Master's dominant hand so that he may more easily bind her. The slave's feet should be at least shoulder width apart and comfortably balanced. 

I consider this command to have three variations. They are the obvious ones of standing, kneeling and on the ground.

Unless it is obvious that the Master intends something else, assume that the vertical position you are in before the command bracelets is the position he wishes you to maintain. Thus, if kneeling, you turn while in Nadu and cross your wrists behind you, if standing, turn and do the same.

The prone Bracelets position is Bara without crossing the ankles. Most Masters would probably use Bara instead of a prone bracelets.

Variations: Standing, Kneeling, Prone

Head: Turned
Torso: Straight
Arms: Behind the Back
Hands: Wrists Crossed or Grasped Behind
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Straight if Standing/Bent at the Knee if Kneeling
Feet: Feet Flat if Standing/Pointed if Kneeling

Brand Position:

"Mark?" said a man.
Swiftly she rose up on her knees and turned her left thigh to the interrogator, at the same time putting her hands behind the small of her back, as though they might be braceleted there. It is one of the positions of brand display.
Mirus smiled.
Ellen flushed.
I hate him, she thought.
But she remained in the position, a common one for brand display. Her wrists, behind her back, were nearly touching. The position accentuates the breasts and, given the position of the hands, is provocatively emblematic.
Prize of Gor, Pg. 416

This is a command to show the slave brand or mark on a slave.

For my purposes....Brand will include the following things:

Either rise or drop to the knees, turn to have the brand or slave mark closest to the Master and extend that leg for balance and esthetics. If the slave is unmarked, she should turn her left outer thigh towards him showing the unmarked skin. If the brand or mark is in a different location, turn and move to display that location in the direction of the Master commanding its display. In any case, clothing should be moved to display bare skin. 

The thighs can spread as in Nadu but the body is lifted upright supported on the knee and shin with her hands behind her

Variations: None

Head: Straight
Torso: Straight
Arms: Behind Back
Hands: Wrists Crossed or Held Behind
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

Capture Position:

"On your back," he said, "knees raised, heels on the floor." I then lay before him, in a standard, supine capture position."
Kajira of Gor, Pg. 422

This position is used to place a slave where she can not quickly rise or move and a position from which she can be bound, especially with her wrists tied to her ankles. 

For my purposes....Capture will include the following things:

The slave lies on the floor on her back with her legs towards the Master, knees raised until her feet are set flat on the floor with her legs spread wide apart. Her arms are along her sides, palms up and backs of her hands on the floor. The feet and hands should be close to each other or even touching.

This position is one that is hard to quickly rise from and one where the hands and feet may be easily bound or attached to each other. It is also a comfortable display position where the more intimate portions of a slave's body are exposed.

Variations: None

Head: Straight
Torso: Straight
Arms: At Sides
Hands: Palms Up
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at Knee
Feet: Flat
Orientation: Prone

Collar Position:

"Collar!" I snapped. Instantly she faced me, holding her hands slightly behind her, and lifted her chin. In this position the collar may be conveniently read.
Swordsmen of Gor, Pg. 17

This position is so that the name or marks on a collar may more easily be read. It is not the same as the Submission Position used for someone submitting as a slave.

For my purposes....Collar will include the following things:

From whatever position the slave is in, she should face the Master, cross her hands behind her and lift her chin high while tilting her head back.

Variations: Standing or Kneeling

Head: Tilted Back
Torso: Straight
Arms: Behind Back
Hands: Wrists Crossed or Held
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Straight if Standing or Bent at Knee if Kneeling
Feet: Flat if Standing or Pointed if Kneeling
Orientation: Standing or Kneeling

Display Position:

The auctioneer did not strike her with his whip. He merely took her arms and lifted them, so that the position chain attached to each side of the sales collar lay across her upper arms. Then he had her clasp her hands behind the back of her neck, so that the chain, on each side of the collar, was in the crook of her arms, and she was exposed in such a way that she could be properly exhibited.
Explorers of Gor, Pg. 36

"Have that one stand, to be examined," said a man.
"Cotina, stand, examination position!" snapped Targo.
Cotina stood, her legs widely spread, her head back, her hands clasped behind the back of her neck. It is hard for a woman to move from this position and she must be concerned with her balance. The subtle adjustments and tenseness required to maintain her balance keep her even more helplessly in place, and these adjustments and this tenseness will also be expressed in her posture, providing body-language cues bespeaking obedience and servitude. Too, obviously this posture bares her vulnerably, and her hands cannot interfere with the examination. The position of the arms, the hands clasped behind the back of the neck, or, sometimes, behind the back of the head, lifts the bosom, exhibiting it beautifully.
Prize of Gor, Pg. 247

This is sometimes called the Examination Position.

The position is designed to see and inspect the slave's body with everything exposed. Display is usually done while a slave is nude, but not always. The slave is open and vulnerable to whatever the Master wishes to do with her. 

For my purposes....Display will include the following things:

From a standing position, the slave brings her hands up and behind her head or neck. Her fingers can either be interlaced or her wrists crossed. The slave's elbows are back and in line with her shoulders. The feet should be at least shoulder width apart and she should be facing the Master with her head up, belly in and breasts forward. 

The key points of Display are the position of the hands/arms behind the head/neck and the spread thighs/legs. It can be done in standing, kneeling and prone variations.

Display, like Bracelets, has three variations: standing, kneeling and prone. These are my variations as I believe only standing was used in the books.

The kneeling Display is the same position except that the slave is kneeling in Nadu.

The version on the floor is the same as the standing one, except that the slave is lying flat on her back. The slave's feet should be toward the Master, with her legs spread wide enough to give him an unrestricted view as in the Capture Position.

If you are uncertain which version the Master wishes you to be in, go to the one that matches your current position, prone, kneeling or standing. You may also go to the Standing Display position as the default position.

There are a few things that often go with the display position.

While standing, some Masters will have the slave turn for them to display all of her body. The turn will either be at their command for each turn or continuous until told to stop. Turn in at least 4 steps, one quarter turn with each one. A few will have the slave turn in 8 steps, but 4 will be the most common and the default assumption.

Variations: None

Head: Straight
Torso: Straight
Arms: Behind Neck
Hands: Wrists Crossed or Fingers Interlaced Behind the Neck
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Straight
Feet: Feet Flat
Orientation: Standing

Gorean Bow:

Under the torchlight Phyllis Robertson was now on her knees, the Warrior at her side, holding her behind the small of the back. Her head went farther back, as her hands moved on the arms of the Warrior, as though once to press him away, and then again to draw him closer, and her head then touched the furs, her body a cruel, helpless bow in his hands, and then, her head down, it seemed she struggled and her body straightened itself until she lay, save for her head and heels, on his hands clasped behind her back, her arms extended over her head to the fur behind her.
Assassin of Gor, Pg. 176

The Gorean Bow is more commonly described as a slave being bent backwards over some object such as a sea bag or a dead Kur, usually with a rope between her wrists and ankles under the object and then used sexually in that position. On most web sites it is described as something like a Yoga position with the body arched backwards while supported on her knees and hands. 

For my purposes....the Gorean Bow will include the following things:

The slave kneels in Nadu and leans backwards until the slave's head touches the floor with her hands up and on the floor just over and along side her head then she arches and lifts her body while being supported on her knees and hands.

Variations: None

Head: Arched Back
Torso: Arched
Arms: Over Head
Hands: Flat on Floor
Waist: Arched Backwards
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Spread
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

Hair/Leading Position:

"I held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair. She winced. Women are helpless in this position."
Beasts of Gor, Pg. 409

"I then transferred the paga to my left hand. I then snapped my fingers and held my right hand, open, at my hip. Swiftly the girl rose to her feet and, half crouching, put her head by my hand. I fastened the fingers of my hand deeply and firmly in her red hair. She winced, and kissed at my thigh. I then, the goblet of paga in my left hand, her hair in my right, dragged her beside me, her slender chains rustling, to the nearest alcove."
Rogue of Gor, Pg. 58

"In a moment I had left the building, pulling the captive behind me, her head down at my waist, in leading position."
Mercenaries of Gor, Pg. 418

This is a leading and a control position. It is useful if the Master wants to lead you somewhere rather than have you heel him and does not have a leash. Do not expect it to be used often. It is sometimes called the Leading Position.

For my purposes....Hair will include the following things:

The slave will stand just behind and to the right or left of the Master as indicated by his hand gesture and or verbal command. She will cross or grasp her wrists behind her back and bend forward, throwing her hair over her head so it hangs down in front of her body. 

A key point for someone putting a slave into this position and leading her around is that he hand should enter the hair at that back of the neck and a full handful of hair held at about the top of the head. The hair on the back of a human head is rooted the strongest in that area. For more information, consult a Red Cross Lifesaving Manual for the Hair Carry instructions. This gives a very strong grip on the slave plus the feeling of being held and controlled at the nape of the neck which gives an instinctive submissive response in mammals.

Variations: None

Head: Straight
Torso: Straight
Arms: Behind Back
Hands: Wrists Crossed or Hand Grasped Behind the Back
Waist: Bend Forwards
Thighs: Together
Legs: Straight
Feet: Feet Flat
Orientation: Standing

High Harness Position:

"Lift your head," he said. "Higher. Higher!" 

She looked up at him, her head far back, the leash on her throat....You need not now keep your head in high-harness position," he said to the girl.

Mercenaries of Gor, Pgs. 314 and 315

This can be considered a kneeling version of Leasha.

For my purposes....High Harness will include the following things:

From Nadu, the slave crosses or grasps her wrists behind her back and lifts her chin as high as possible while keeping the face straight ahead. 

It is the same position as the Collar command, except for kneeling, as the command for the slave to display the collar on her neck so any inscription on it as to who her owner is can be read.

Variations: None

Head: Arched Back
Torso: Straight
Arms: Behind the Back
Hands: Crossed or Grasped Behind the Back
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at the Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

Injection Position:

"Lie down there," said Tutina, "on the rug, before his desk, on your right side, with your knees drawn up."
Awkwardly, and with unsteadiness, and some pain, the older woman, tears in her eyes, humiliated, went to her hands and knees, and then to the position to which she had been directed.
"Hereafter," said Tutina, "when you hear the command 'Injection position', in whatever language, you will instantly, and unquestioningly, assume this position."
Prize of Gor, Pg. 41

This is a very uncommon position but mentioned as a specific position.

For my purposes....Injection will include the following things:

The slave kneels in Nadu then goes down to a semi-fetal position on the right side, hands and arms in front or under the body but away from the hip or thigh.

Variations: None

Head: Straight
Torso: Arched Foreward
Arms: In Front
Hands: Undefined
Waist: Arched
Thighs: Together
Legs: Bent at the Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Prone

Kneeling To The Whip Position:

Kneeling to the whip- "I went to Targo, trembling, and knelt at his feet I crossed my wrists beneath me and touched my head to the floor, exposing the bow of my back. It is the submissive posture of a slave girl who is to be punished. It is called Kneeling to the Whip."
Captive of Gor, Pg. 200

"'Kneel to the whip, Melpomene!' she ordered. Melpomene then, sobbing, knelt, her legs close together, her wrists held crossed under her, as though bound, her head down, touching the floor, the bow of her back exposed, a slave girl awaiting punishment."
Fighting Slave of Gor, Pg. 292

This position is designed for punishment. It exposes and tightens the back, hips, thighs and raises them up a bit off the feet. This makes those areas easily available to be whipped. Some protection is given to the breasts by this position and by having the head to the floor which braces the body while it is being whipped. It does expose the slave's back, neck and butt very well. It is also a very stable position. 

For my purposes....Kneeling to the Whip will include the following things:

From Nadu or Tower, the slave bends forward until her head touches the floor. Her arms should be crossed below her breasts with her wrists crossed between her breasts. The slave's hands should not extend around the sides of the body or onto her sides. Her hair should be thrown as far forward as possible when going down so that it is off of her back The slave's forehead should be on the floor with her head straight and not turned to one side. Unless the Master directs otherwise, the slave should kneel facing the direction she was facing and do not turn.

Variations: None

Head: Straight
Torso: Straight
Arms: Crossed Under Body
Hands: Crossed in Front and Under the Body
Waist: Bent Forward
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at the Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

Lesha Position:

"Lesha," snapped the second officer to the blond girl. She spun from facing him, and lifted her chin, turning her head to the left, placing her wrists behind her, as though for snapping them into slave bracelets.
Explorers of Gor, Pg. 76

Lesha is the Gorean word for leash. The command can be given as either Lesha or Leash. The Lesha command is for being attached to a leash. It is the reverse of the Bracelets Position. 

For my purposes....Lesha will include the following things:

The slave's head is upright, chin lifted and turned away in so that the Master may easily attach a leash. Her hands are crossed behind her back and the slave's body is turned three quarters towards the Master's dominant hand so that he may more easily leash her. Her feet should be shoulder width apart and comfortably balanced. 

The Lesha position can be standing or kneeling. There is no prone version.

Bracelets does not necessarily leash a girl and Lesha does not necessarily bracelet a girl. Their emphasis is different even though the positions are effectively the same. Other than intent and direction, there is no difference. Bracelets and Lesha should be done from the position the slave is currently in.

Variations: Standing, Kneeling

Head: Turned
Torso: Straight
Arms: Behind the Back

Hands: Wrists Crossed or Grasped Behind the Back
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Straight if Standing/Bent at the Knee if Kneeling
Feet: Feet Flat if Standing/Pointed if Kneeling
Orientation: Standing or Kneeling

Nadu Position:

"Come now, my pretty slaves," said Ginger, "kneel straight. Back straight, heads up. Back on your heels there! Spread those pretty knees. Yes, that is the way men like it. Put your hands, palms down, on your thighs. Good, good, Excellent!" The girls now knelt in the coffle as pleasure slaves.
Savages of Gor, Pg. 155

"The hands of a Pleasure Slave normally rest on her thighs but, in some cities, for example, Thentis, I believe, they are crossed behind her."
Priest Kings of Gor, Pg. 41

See also Explorers of Gor, Pgs. 77 and 166, Tribesmen of Gor, Pg. 53, Kajira of Gor, Pg. 282, Slave Girl of Gor, Pg. 34.

This is the standard kneeling position of the pleasure slave. It is the default kneeling position for the rest of the kneeling positions and if a slave is told to go to her knees before a man this is the position that should be used. 

For my purposes....Nadu will include the following things:

The slave kneels on both knees, her calves and feet under the body. The feet may be flat to the floor or bent and on the toes, her butt resting on the her heels. The slave's back should be straight, head up, eyes down, breasts forward, thighs spread and her arms at her sides with her hands on her thighs, palms down. The eyes should be aimed at the floor unless directed otherwise. The legs should be spread anywhere from 45 to 90 degrees apart for balance and exposure. While wider is possible, it is more uncomfortable and can be unstable. 

Some quotes involve a slave turning her palms up to show willingness to serve and give of herself, especially sexually. It was used but only when begging for something such as, but not limited to, sexual usage. 

In the books, The city of Thentis used a variant of Nadu with the hands crossed behind the back.

The other variants of Nadu are based on the positions of the hands: wrists crossed behind, hands on the thighs either palms down or up. 

Also...Tower and Nadu both have hand signals that Masters will sometimes use to indicate what you are to do.

Tower's gesture is downward with two fingers together at the place he wishes you to kneel. Nadu is almost the same, except that the two fingers are spread into a V shape.

If you are in Tower and told to go to Nadu, then just spread your legs and adjust the position of the hands. When going into or out of Nadu, the slave can have her knees together then open or close them as appropriate.

Variations: Hand Positions

Head: Straight
Torso: Straight
Arms: On Thighs or Behind the Back
Hands: Flat or Crossed or Grasped Behind the Back
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at the Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling


(1)"There are many ways to perform obeisance." I said. "I am a free woman," she said, " I know none of them." "I shall instruct you briefly in three," I said. " First kneel before me, back on your heels, yes, with your knees wide, wider, your hands on your thighs, your back straight, your breasts out, good, your belly in, good, and now lower your head in deference, in submission." "Now that," I said, " may not be exactly a form of obeisance, for authorities do not all agree, but for our purposes we shall count it as one. It is, at any rate, a beautiful position, and it is, certainly, a common position of slave submission."
Rogue of Gor. Pg. 299

(2)"Now" I said, " and this is clearly a form of obeisance, bend forward and put your head to the mat, the palms of your hands on the mat. Good. Now lift your head little and come forward, substantially keeping the position. Forward a little more." "But then my face will be at your feet," she said," My lips will be over them!" "Yes," I said, "Good, now, put your head down and lick and kiss my feet." "I am a free Woman!" She Said. "You are a woman," I said," now softly lingeringly, and lovingly, Good." "I am not a slave," she said "All women are slaves, "I said " Imagine what this would be like if you were truly a collared slave." She gasped.

(3)"Now" I said, "for a third form of obeisance. You may belly to me." "I do not under- stand," she whispered. "There are various forms of bellying, " I said, and bellying may be suitably and pleasingly combined with other forms of floor movements, approaching the Master on all fours, turning to your sides and back, writhing before him, and so on. We will take a very simple variation, suitable for an ignorant free female who has not yet even begun to discover the depths of her sexuality." She looked up at me. "On your belly," I said. She backed off a bit , and went to her belly. Her hair was before her face, as she now on her belly before me looked up at me. "Now inch forward," I said, " remaining low on your belly, and when you reach my feet, once again, as before, lifting your head a little, tenderly and humbly, and beautifully, as though you were a slave, lick and kiss them. Good. Good. Now take my foot and place it gently on your head. Very good. Now place it again on the Mat, and kiss it again. Good. You may now belly back a little, humbly. I have not yet given you permission to rise of course."
Mercenaries of Gor, Pgs. 409 and 410

(4)In first obeisance position, often assumed by a slave in the presence of a free man, she kneels with her head to the ground, and the palms of her hands down on the ground on either side of her head.
Swordsmen of Gor, Pg. 195

(5)The usual second obeisance position has the slave go to her belly, her hands on either side of her head.
Swordsmen of Gor, Pg. 195

There are many forms of obeisance and some are described in different ways in different books.

Quote (1) is obviously Nadu. Treat it as such and just call it Nadu.

Quote (2) is the basis of the mentioned but never named position called online Karta. While the word Karta is never used in the books, it is a common position online and it is used offline as well. It is good to know if needed even if it is part of the Apocrypha of Gorean slave positions and it is the one that I will explain in this section. For convenience I will just use the term Karta.

Quote (3) is Belly as an action. Treat it as such and just call it Belly or Belly To.

Quote (4) is Prostrate or a form of Belly.

Quote (5) is Belly as a position.

For my purposes....Obeisance/Prostrate will include the following things:

The slave kneels in Nadu or Tower then bends forward until her forehead touches the floor and she then extends the arms at forward with her palms down and separated, level with her head.

The Karta variation extends the arms to full length forward with the hands flat on the floor. 

Variations: See Text Above

Head: On Floor
Torso: Straight
Arms: Bent, Fully Extended
Hands: Flat On Either Side of Head
Waist: Bent
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at the Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

Prostrate Position:

In first obeisance position, often assumed by a slave in the presence of a free man, she kneels with her head to the ground, and the palms of her hands down on the ground on either side of her head.
Swordsmen of Gor, Pg. 195

Prostrate is in the books after book 25 the default position a slave assumes when a free man or woman enters the room or approaches them. Exceptions occur but only if on a task commanded by someone else.

For my purposes....Prostrate will include the following things:

The slave will go down in Nadu then bend forward at the waist placing her forehead on the floor with her hands palm down on either side of her head. The slave will wait in this position until the free have either passed by or left the area or she is commanded to change position. In that case the default is to go to Nadu before continuing with what she was doing.

Variations: None

Head: On Floor
Torso: Straight
Arms: Extended With Hands Next to Head
Hands: Flat
Waist: Bent
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at the Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

She-Sleen or She-Quadruped Position:

"Is commonly used for disciplinary purposes, or for the amusement of the Master, the woman is not permitted to arise from all fours; similarly she is not permitted human speech, though she may signify needs and desires by such means as cringing, and moaning and whimpering. Not permitted the use of her hands, save as a means of locomotion, she must also eat and drink from pans set on the floor, or, sometimes to satisfy her thirst, she must lap the water permitted to her from puddles or lick pillages from the tiles."
Guardsman of Gor, Pg. 225

"In this discipline the female is forbidden human speech. She is also forbidden human posture, in the sense that she is not allowed to rise to her feet. Her locomotion, unless commanded to roll, or put under similar commands, suitable for a pet, will be on all fours. Her food will be thrown to her, or put in pans on the ground. In either case, she must feed without the use of her hands. She may also, of course, be fed by hand, but, again, will not be permitted to touch the food with her hands. She may be taught tricks. Sometimes these are taught as functions of arbitrary sounds, so that she must learn them as any animal might, without the benefit of an earlier understanding of the word used. If she is slow to learn, of course, she is punished, as would be any other animal. When used, too, it will commonly be in the modality of the she-quadrupled. This discipline is often used as a punishment, but it may figure in the training of a new girl. It helps her to understand what she now is, an animal totally subject to her master."
Mercenaries of Gor, Pgs. 215 - 216

""Now on all fours, arms straight, head up!" I said. Immediately she assumed this position. "Please do not put me in the slavery of the she-quadruped, Master," she begged. "I will put you there, and keep you there, if it pleases me," I told her. "Yes, Master," she said."
Guardsman of Gor, Pgs. 336

This position can be used as a disciplinary action, training or simply for the amusement of the Master. It is treating the slave literally as an animal. As the quotes say, a slave is not allowed to grasp things with her hands, only her mouth. She may not use words and may not rise to her feet.

For my purposes....She-Sleen will include the following things:

The slave will go to her hands and knees and only move about on hands and knees. The slave will not speak in words, only animal sounds and may only hold things in her mouth. She will maintain this state until released by the Master's command.

Variations: None

Head: Straight
Torso: Straight
Arms: Extended to Floor
Hands: Flat
Waist: Bent
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at the Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

Slave Lips Position:

"Similarly, I was not required to respond to certain sorts of commands, for ex- ample, to make "slave lips," pursing my lips for kissing, or to writhe slowly before my viewers."
Kajira of Gor Pg. 224

This position is designed to hold a slave in place while she awaits being kissed even if the kiss does not happen.

For my purposes....Slave Lips will include the following things:

The slave purses her lips for a kiss while keeping her face turned towards the Master. She is to hold the position until kissed. It is a very simple position and enjoyable for the Master. It can be done from any orientation and with other positions. It is most commonly done in combination with Nadu or Submission.

Variations: None

Head: Upright, Lips Pursed
Torso: Not Applicable
Arms: Not Applicable
Hands: Not Applicable
Waist: Not Applicable
Thighs: Not Applicable
Legs: Not Applicable
Feet: Not Applicable
Orientation: Not Applicable

Stand Position:

He looked me over. I blushed, under Gorean appraisal, I only wore my tether.
"Stand as a slave. " he said.
I stood beautifully, back straight, head high, belly sucked in, hip turned. No woman can stand more beautifully than as a Gorean slave girl.
"Excellent," said Ladletender, smacking his lips.
Slave Girl of Gor, pg. 287

I felt myself being rolled roughly on my back. "Veck, Kajira," said a voice, harshly. "Veck, Kajira." It was not a patient voice. I looked up, startled, frightened. I cried out with pain.
I felt the point of his dagger beneath my chin. It hurt. It thrust up. I cried out, rising almost to my toes. I then stood straight before them. I stood straighter than I had ever stood in my life.
The man then stepped back, and he, and the other, inspected me, completely, walking about me.
Slave Girl of Gor, pg. 7 & 9

How a slave stands was mentioned in the books several times as there were different ways of standing depending on many different factors. This is one way.

For my purposes....Stand will include the following things:

The slave stands upright with her hands to her sides, palms against the thighs, fingers extended but relaxed. The body is erect, head up, and your eyes are looking at the floor. One leg and foot may be turned outward with the knee slightly bent. This is usually the right or dominant leg. The feet should be at about a 60 to 90 degree angle to each other in this case. 

This is the position to assume when standing and otherwise not doing anything. You will pay attention to your surroundings in case you are needed for something.

Variations: None

Head: Upright
Torso: Straight
Arms: Extended At Sides
Hands: Flat on Thighs
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Together
Legs: Extended
Feet: Flat on Floor
Orientation: Standing

Submission Position:

"Then, to my astonishment, the daughter of the Ubar Marlenus, daughter of the Ubar of Ar, knelt before me, a simple warrior of Ko-ro-ba, and lowered her head, lifting and extending her arms, wrists crossed. It was he submission of the captive female. Without raising her eyes from the ground, the daughter of the Ubar said in a clear, distinct voice: `I submit myself.'
I was speechless for a moment, but then, remembering that harsh Gorean custom required me either to accept the submission or slay the captive, I took her wrists in my hands and said, `I accept your submission.'"
Tarnsman of Gor, Pgs.93-94.

She winced, her back bent painfully. "Do you wish to submit to you now?" she begged.
"Do so," said he.
She fell to her knees before him, and lifted her head to regard him. "I will be your slave," she said. Then, she knelt back on her heels, lowered her head, and lifted and extended her arms, wrists crossed, as though for binding. She was very beautiful. "I am your slave," she said, "--Master."
Hunters of Gor, Pg. 16.

He took his strap off her throat, and unbound her hands.
"Submit," I told her.
She knelt before me, back on her heels, arms extended, head down, between her arms, wrists crossed, as though for binding. "I submit to you, Master," she said.
I tied her hands together; she then lowered her bound wrists; I pulled up her head. I held before her an opened collar, withdrawn from my sea bag. I had had one prepared.
Explorers of Gor, Pg. 74.

"Assume the posture of female submission," I told her. She did so, kneeling back on her heels, her arms extended, wrists crossed, her head between them, down. She was weeping.
Tribesman of Gor, Pg. 4

This is also called the Collaring Position. It is mostly used for the ceremony of submission of a slave to a Master. It is sometimes used by a slave to indicate her current submission to him or a part of formal serving. The arms and hands should be pointed toward the middle of the Master's chest. That enables him to easily bind her hands as they are extended to the easiest place for him to reach. 

This is a seldom used position, but one that is used by many Goreans when collaring a slave or reminding her of her submission as a slave to her Master. 

There is some debate over whether the arms in this position are straight up overhead or pointed toward the Master. Most quotes indicate the head is lowered between the arms. I believe they should be pointed toward the Master, aiming the middle of his chest. That enables him to easily bind the hands as they are extended to the easiest place for him to reach.

For my purposes....Submission will include the following things:

The slave starts in Nadu, extends her arms with wrists crossed towards the Master and lowers her head between her arms, looking down. The slave does not look up until told to do so.Variations: None

Head: Lowered
Torso: Straight

Arms: Extended to the Master
Hands: Wrists Crossed
Waist: Bent
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at the Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

Sula Position:

"Sula, Kajira!" said the man. She slid her legs from under her and lay on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up, legs open."
Explorers of Gor, Pg. 7

"Sula, Kajira!" said the man. She slid her legs from under her and lay on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up, legs open."
Explorers of Gor, Pg. 75

Sula is a very simple and comfortable position. It is a way of displaying a slave on her back.

For my purposes....Sula will include the following things:

The slave will lie flat on her back, arms at but not touching her sides with her palms turned up and her legs straight with thighs spread about 90 degrees apart. She will be turned with her legs towards the Master. Her head should be flat on the floor and looking upwards with her hair not trapped under her back.

Variations: None

Head: Upright
Torso: Straight
Arms: Extended At Sides
Hands: On Floor Palms Up

Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Extended
Feet: Pointed
Orientation: Prone

Tower Position:

The position of the Tower Slave, in which Vika knelt, differs from that of a Free Woman only in the position of the wrists which are held before her, and, when not occupied, crossed as though for binding. The position of the Pleasure Slave, incidentally, differs from the position of both the free woman and the Tower Slave. The hands of a Pleasure Slave normally rest on her thighs but, in some cities, for example, Thentis, I believe, they are crossed behind her.

More significantly, for the Free Woman's hands may also rest on her thighs, there is a difference in the placement of the knees. In all these kneeling positions, incidentally, even that of the Pleasure Slave, the Gorean woman carries herself well; her back is straight and her chin is high. She tends to be vital and beautiful to look upon.
Priest-Kings of Gor, Page 46

"The position of the tower slave, in most cities, is very similar to that of the pleasure slave. The major difference is that the tower slave, whose duties are commonly, primarily, domestic, kneels with her knees in a closed position”
Blood Brothers of Gor, Pg. 121

"I recalled that Ulrick had told me that certain kinds of slaves, house slaves, 'tower slaves,' and such, whatever they were, might kneel with their knees together..."
Dancer of Gor, Pg. 86

Tower is used when serving in a non-sexual context, serving Free Women, or sitting quietly awaiting a call to serve someone, and any time she is not presenting herself sexually to someone.

This is the default position for a slave kneeling before a Gorean woman or any Free Woman. 

For my purposes....Tower will include the following things:

The slave kneels on both knees, her feet may be flat to the floor or bent supported on the toes, butt resting on the heels. The back should be straight, knees together, her arms at the sides with her hands either crossed in the lap or on the thighs, palms down. The slave's eyes should be aimed at the floor unless directed otherwise.

Variations: Hand Positions

Head: Straight
Torso: Straight
Arms: On Thighs
Hands: Flat or Wrists Crossed in Front
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Together
Legs: Bent at the Knee
Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

Usage Position:

"He knelt me there. "Put your head down, to the floor," he said. "Clasp your hands, firmly, behind the back of your neck." "Yes, Master," I moaned. He was then behind me. He put his hands, under my arms, on my breasts, sweetly and firmly. Then he moved his bands back, caressing my flanks. My head was down. My fingers were together, behind the back of my neck. I was in his collar. It was steel, I could not remove it. I belonged to him. My body hurt, from his whip, that of my master. My head hurt, from my hair, where I had been conducted, unceremoniously, to this location. "Please, Master," I sobbed. "Not like this! Not you, please!" "The slave is pretty," he remarked. "Oh!" I cried. "Oh!" "You have a lovely ass," he said. "Ohhh!" I said. "You may thank me," he said."
Kajira of Gor, Pg. 434

This has been called the Common Gorean Usage position or just Usage. It is thought that Marcus of Ar gave it this name as a joke and it stuck. Goreans in the books do not have any specified, common sexual position. Goreans use whatever position that pleases them to use their slave in at the time they wish to use them. 

While it is a sexual usage position, it can also be used in place of the Kneeling To The Whip Position for a punishment position. 

For my purposes....Usage will include the following things:

The slave knees in Nadu then bends forward putting her head to the floor and her arms in the Display arm position with her hands, fingers interlaced, behind her head.

Variations: None

Head: Straight
Torso: Straight
Arms: Display Position
Hands: Fingers Interlaced Behind Neck
Waist: Straight
Thighs: Spread
Legs: Bent at the Knee

Feet: Feet Pointed
Orientation: Kneeling

¬© 2014, 2015 by Malkinius/John Railing
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